Selective hearing


The kids finally convinced me to get the kiddie pool out. And the conversation went like this;

Me: “Don’t get the pool out yet. Find a level spot where it can sit then come and get me so I can check it out. I want to lay a tarp down first and then we can fill it.”
What they heard: “Find a level spot, lay down a tarp, and fill the pool.”

Selective hearing at its best! 🤣

And once again, I’m reminded how often I do this to God. He accurately calls me out on my transgressions and directs me in the way to go, and I skip over the parts I don’t want to hear like how I need to change an attitude, action, or a set of thoughts and jump into the blessings of His promises and a set of instructions that most interests me. Oh, Lord how I need every part of your Word, even the parts that hurt my feelings or tell me to wait!

*But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. James 3: 17-18

Don’t miss it


The week before our state started issuing stay at home orders, we were busy. Two co-ops, the start of baseball practices, Bible Quiz practice, oral surgery, a mandatory 4H meeting, and an emergency visit to a local Urgent Care for stitches in our oldest sons hand. What is typically our busiest season has quickly become a time of rest, with COVID 19 as the direct culprit. And though we know people directly affected by this virus, and lives cut too short for our liking, looking for the silver lining in the clouds as I strive to do with all things, I am doing my best not to take this respit time for granted. I do love spending the extra time with my family in the evenings. We sit around the dinner table and often my husband and I look at each other and chuckle at the chaotic scene we call life and family. Five children can do that! How amazingly blessed are we!!!  In the past 5 weeks we have been given some great opportunities to spread the Love of God, and the time to put those ideas into action. This has truly been a growing time! But busyness is definitely trying to sneak back in. All these extra activities we were once running out of the house, one shoe on, one shoe off style are now scheduling remote meetings online. As I appreciate everyone trying to stay connected during our home time, we need to respectfully say “no thanks” to some of the distraction. Last week I found myself scrambling to get our daily school, chores, and responsibilities finished before logging on for a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and two Sunday online meetings. It was as if we were back to our crazy evening schedule, minus making sure everyone had their shoes on. I was rushing supper time, getting stressed about time schedules, and in turn stressing the kids out. How we so quickly revert back to our “old ways”. It was a reminder how precious this time can be we have been given. A time we are graciously given to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling “; Philippians 2: 12, really taking a look at the life we are living (or had been before COVID 19) and comparing it to the  life God has called us to live. A reminder that our sole responsibilities should orbit around the One who created us for His purpose. A reminder when things go back to a new normal, we must be diligent to avoid falling back into the busy life, where we loose sight of His plan. We were not created to be busy for ourselves or even our family. We were created to be busy for the Lord’s work. We are here for a time such as this, but if we are too busy for ourselves, we may miss it.

*Therefore my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence  but much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.  Philippians 2:12-13

It’s a Hard Knock Life


This week has been bad. No, this week has been down right terrible. Death, pain, uncertainties. Friends crying out for help and prayer every day (and it’s only Wednesday). At one point today I honestly wondered if I could even help carry another persons burden as we are commanded to do. With an important Youth outreach planned for the end of this week, I truly should have seen this coming. A week of spiritual, emotional, and physical strain. After all, Satan would like nothing more than for a defeated Youth worker to be too tired and occupied to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to just 1 soul destined for hell. Well … it may be a bit cliche, but … Not today Satan! And definately not this week!

We have had through the family a lingering cold, that for the life of us, does not want to bid us farewell. This has left us with tired and cranky children who break down at any given moment. A friend, previous employer, and incredible sister in Christ passed away suddenly and tragically the end of last week. As mentioned friends have been sharing deep, hard, overwhelming life trama they are ferociously battling right now. Things that make your heart hurt so bad and leave you too weak to stand as you cover them in prayer. And a much needed day away this weekend, I planned months ago, looks as though it will have to sit on a shelf and wait until next year. I’m broken, I’m beat, and I’m drained. But the joy of the Lord, IS my strength. Daily songs of worship and adornment pour out of my lips. I keep praising Him for what I see as unanswered prayer, because in His time, He will answer and these things, these life changing circumstances happening all around me, they will be summarized into a single sentence, closely followed by a sentence that starts out; “But God”! Yes, this week has been wary and long. But God has a great plan, His thoughts are not our thoughts. His Will is not our will. He knows, and we only suppose. Do you see the splendor in that?! He knows! ALL THINGS! He knows! So trust has been my motto for the week. Trust, because He knows. Tonight I will fall asleep assured, as I rest in the truth of His promises.

*Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually! 1 Chronicles 16:11

Snow Day



Farm bibs, bicycles and beach boogie boards, that’s what snow days are made of! Or at least, that’s what my kids think. 🤣 And after keeping an eye on a heifer, who for a week has been showning signs of calving, decided today would be the best to birth it, in the fresh fallen snow. I think all the critters at our home are a little confused about their seasons. 😉 No complaints here!  Let it snow!!!


Set Free


The other night, before our family New Year’s Eve activities started, I deleted my Facebook account. It was freeing!  In the exact moment,  the same second, when my phone screen confirmed the account had been deleted, our 4 year old, unaware of what I was doing, shoved a book in my face and said, “Can you read this to me?”. There was no hesitation in my response, there was no pause to finish reading my screen or delay from aimless scrolling before I responded with an excited, “Absoulutely!”. It was so freeing! I spent the evening with out impulse to reach for my phone. Instead I took in every toddler attention seeking moment, the one’s where they giggle at themsleves doing basically nothing, just to have you laugh back. It was freeing! I was present and fully interactive in all the evenings happenings. I was excited and happy for the start of a season of life where social media wouldn’t distract.  I woke the next morning and forgot all about checking my phone, and focused on life around me instead. It was so freeing!

To say I have been enjoying a facebook free few days is an understatement! I have been set free from chains I never truly realized I was locked into. The urge to grab the phone through out the day, just to press that Facebook icon is gone!  Have I mentioned how freeing this has been?! More time being just present with the Creator and with our family. This life here, after all is just a breath of time.

*”So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart if wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

The Gift


My husband decided this year, as a way to save on Christmas expenses, to forfeit getting gifts for one another and only focus on gifting our kids. All of which would have been absolutely fine, except for one tiny detail, he forgot to tell me about his plan. So Christmas morning comes, he and I typically exchange one small gift to one another, but this year, not knowing his plan, and having a plan of my own, I splurged on him and gave him FIVE gifts (that’s a big deal in our house, ha!) And the one and only gift I recieved was from myself. 🤣 I figured since I had so many gifts for him, the kids may wonder what Mommy did so wrong to only get one gift. Hence, the thought to buy a small gift to wrap for myself, giving me at least two to open. Good thing, huh?! A fail on both our attempts, or was it?

This look of utter confusion washed over his face as he looked over his assortment of presents and then sadness filled his eyes as he realized I had only one present in front of me from an unknown source. Still very puzzled he asked if I forgot our idea to not gift one another, to which I admittedly knew nothing about. Oh, the stories we have to reminisce on!

I’m sure there are some wives or husbands who would be quite disgusted with their spouses intent to gift them nothing. In fact, I know of a husband and wife who just last year went through exactly this. Funds were tight, the wife bought for the husband, but because the husband gave nothing to his wife, she withheld the gifts she had for him. Then she proceeded to chastise him throughout the year about forgetting her. Honestly, in today’s society, such a response would be applauded and cheered. Her resistance against his ignorance would be congratulated with a pat on the back, and a big “ada girl”. But, what I was reminded of this Christmas as I sat watching everyone ripping into gifts I took time to research, shop for, order, and wrap, was how fortunate I was to experience Christmas in a way we preach it to truly be. Giving and not recieving. If we can pay for a strangers meal in the car behind us, no strings attached, or give money to a family struggling to pay bills with no intent to see the favor returned, why are we so adamant about recieving immediate gifts from our loved ones, the people within our own home, on a day we stress “it’s all about giving”!?

I’ll admit, I’m no saint, and my first initial reaction allowed my heart to be a little hurt. Thankfully I’m learning the art of being quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. By processing what just happened I started to see the miracle in it all! I hadn’t been forgotten, I hadn’t been neglected. I had just recieved the most precious Christmas gift ever! I gave and watched the excitement in everyone’s eyes, with the intent to share my love with the people God placed directly into our home. And in immediate return I recieved nothing. Exactly what our Heavenly Father so lovingly did for us all those many years ago. The exact reason for the season. He gave His most precious gift, His Son, as a sacrifice for the one’s He so loved. And in immediate return, recieved nothing. His Son gave up His place in Glory, to come to this Earth as a sacrifice for His Father’s people. And in immediate return recieved nothing.

Now my measly “no gift” experience is minuscule in comparison to what They gave, but you get the point.  Maybe you also didn’t recieve what you immediately expected this Christmas season. Good for you, you gave to not recieve. Let’s live that into the New Year, into the near future. Give of your time, give encouragment, give of your acts of service and your thoughtful gifts with no intent to ever recieve back. Especially for the people that fill your home. Somehow, God has seen it fit to allow them to be a part of you. Love that gift wisely. And in due time, watch that gift grow into something only God can build, within you, and those around you. Merry Christmas friends and I hope you have a very giving New Year!

*”One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”  Proverbs 11: 24-25

God’s Ministering Servants

Dec. 7, 2019


God’s ministering servants:
Over the summer our 9 yr old experienced a nasty break in his arm from a fall off the monkey bars at a near by park.  He was in surgery that same day to have pins and a plate placed and then spent 6 weeks in a cast.  As he is still growing, he was scheduled to have those pins and plate removed the begining of December and was not looking forward to it.

As B. was prepping for surgery, he was nervous. He didn’t crack his normal smile or release one of his contagious laughs. He just laid on the bed, listening to a myriad of questions and their answers being tossed around him, and starlky watched the ceiling. This Momma’s heart hurt, and she breathed prayers of comfort over her child’s unsettled mind. The anesthesiologist walked in his curtained area, introduced herself, and in miraculous God fashion quickly made a connection with him over cows. She happened to be a sibling of 5, grew up raising cows, and understood the difficulties naming so many cattle. They talked about where they get name ideas from and the other nurses standing around noted they never thought about such things. To see him open up was not only comforting, but confirming. God shows up, He hears, He cares, and He sends just the right people to minister at just the right time.
This Christmas season, look for ways you can minister to those around you. If we’re willing, God will use us too, in completely simple miraculous ways. ❤

*”How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 36:7

Encourage, don’t discourage


Fortunately, there is only 1 person in my children’s life who measures their education by memorized facts. I have given up on them accepting us and our Homeschool journey. But to those who support our journey, they get to participate and watch the kids growth, while joining in as we learn!
As an example; our oldest, at 11 yrs old knows more about parts and services on vehicles than most grown adults. His interest in learning such things creates a drive to dig deeper in his mechanics knowledge. Knowing what year the Revolutionary war ended doesn’t prove he is or isn’t learning. (Especially when the person asking him such a question has to Google it themselves.🤦‍♀️) He not only has been offered a job from a local business when he turns 16, but also has had an adult from our church gift him a lawn tractor just for tearing apart and rebuilding it to increase his mechanics experiences. ALL BECAUSE IN BRIEF INTERACTIONS WITH HIM, THESE PEOPLE SEE HIS KNOWLEDGE AND MOTIVATED DESIRE TO LEARN MORE. The other kids in our home are still exploring what most interests them. I find this way of learning fascinating!

Even with the discouraging and unsupportive nature of a particular family member, we try to remind ourselves and our children to always be careful what we say back to them. Being a light for Christ is more important than continuing their cycle of tearing people down.

*”Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” Colossians 4:6


Trustworthy Strangers


October 7, 2013

Thankful for trustworthy strangers! While finishing grocery shopping I realize it’s pouring down raining outside and wonder how to get 2 boys and a sleeping infant to the car without soaking us all. Another mother with an infant and young girl walk up to the doors and stop, questioning the same thing. I turned to her and said: “would you want to take turns watching each others children while getting our cars to the door?”. She smiled and said she was thinking the same thing! So 5 children were loaded in 2 vehicles all nice and dry, while 2 mother’s soaked to the bone smiled happily, thankful for trustworthy strangers!

*”Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4

This Little Piggie


Walking across the road, the excitement of four children filled the night sky. A new adventure awaits at the MBC Homestead.  The chickens weren’t enthused with the idea of sharing their barn space, the cows haven’t noticed … yet. But two small, cute piglets with curly tails now burrow their snouts in a corner pen within our barn walls.  Affectionately known as Joe Black and Jack Red, these two pigs will be used by our oldest children as practice for their 4H swine projects before purchasing their project pigs this Spring.  Since we’ve not shown swine before, this gives the kids a few months of experience and should help them determine feed costs and ratios as well as what they should look for in a potential show pig.  One thing is for sure, the boys love adding animals to our livestock, the husband “boy” the most. 😉

*Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will recieve the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3: 23-24